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Friday, August 2, 2024

Troubling undercurrent

#Troubling undercurrent
In the wake of the devastating landslide in Wayanad, numerous business groups, organizations, and individuals have publicly committed to assisting the victims through various forms of aid, including cash donations, land, and housing. 

While the intentions of many are genuine, there is a troubling undercurrent of deceit among some aid-promisers who exploit the disaster for personal gain or public relations benefits. These opportunists make grand promises of support, only to retract their commitments once they have gained the media attention or tax benefits they sought. Their actions not only undermine the immediate relief efforts but also erode public trust in the integrity of charitable acts during times of crisis.

To safeguard against such malfeasance, a robust government monitoring agency must be established to oversee and verify the fulfillment of these aid promises. This agency should ensure that all pledges are honored and any deviations from the original commitments are promptly addressed. Transparency is crucial; if any entity or individual fails to deliver on their promises, they must be exposed and held accountable for their actions. 

A calamity should not serve as a cover for exploitation, and it is imperative that every pledged resource reaches those in need, rather than being squandered or misappropriated.
-K A Solaman

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