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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Corrupt appointments

#Corrupt #appointments
The pervasive practice of backdoor appointments in Kerala, where public positions are filled without regard for the Public Service Commission (PSC) and employment exchanges, highlights a serious breach of meritocracy and transparency. 

This corruption undermines the integrity of the recruitment process and perpetuates a cycle of favoritism and nepotism. The ruling front's involvement in these practices not only disregards established procedures but also signals a blatant disregard for the rights of qualified young aspirants. Such actions erode public trust and deny deserving candidates the opportunity to contribute to governance based on merit and hard work.

Furthermore, the appointment of retired high-ranking officials to various posts is indicative of a systemic issue within the ministerial level. This practice not only sidesteps the principles of fair and competitive selection but also reinforces a culture of patronage and entitlement. It is unjust to sideline younger, capable individuals in favor of those who have already completed their service. This not only deprives the younger generation of opportunities but also stifles innovation and efficiency in public administration.

Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort to restore the integrity of the recruitment process and ensure that appointments are made based on merit and transparency, rather than political influence or personal connections.
-K A Solaman

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