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Friday, August 9, 2024

Prevent Disaster

#Prevent further disaster
Granting permission for quarries in geologically sensitive areas such as Wayanad is deeply problematic, given the substantial evidence linking such activities to increased landslide risk. 

Scientific research has consistently demonstrated that indiscriminate quarrying can destabilize land, increase soil erosion, and disrupt natural drainage systems. The recent tragic landslides in Wayanad, which have claimed over 350 lives and displaced thousands, underscore the dire consequences of neglecting these environmental risks. 

The concurrent consideration of new quarries while dealing with the aftermath of such disasters highlights a dangerous disconnect from the immediate and evident threats posed by quarrying activities.

Permitting additional quarries in areas already prone to landslides is a recipe for further disaster. The local Meppadi grama panchayat’s move to consider new quarry permissions despite the ongoing crisis not only risks future lives but also undermines efforts to stabilize and rehabilitate the affected regions. 

It is imperative to impose strict regulations on quarrying in vulnerable areas to prevent recurrence of such tragedies. Prioritizing environmental stability and public safety becomes a central focus in the region's development plans.
-K A Solaman

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