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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Alappuzha Cherthala Canal

#Alappuzha -Cherthala Canal
Utilizing the Alappuzha-Cherthala Canal for hydroponics presents a promising solution to both its current problems and the need for sustainable food production. By repurposing the canal into a hydroponic system, the government could transform an underutilized and neglected waterway into a productive agricultural asset.

Hydroponics can thrive in such settings by using nutrient-rich solutions instead of soil, thus bypassing the issues of water weeds and mosquito breeding. This method allows for efficient use of water and nutrients, and can be tailored to various crops, ensuring a steady supply of fresh vegetables and herbs. 

The canal’s extensive length and existing water infrastructure could support a large-scale hydroponic operation, potentially leading to significant local food production.

Moreover, establishing a hydroponic system in the canal would offer environmental and economic benefits. It could reduce the high annual costs associated with canal maintenance and weed removal, as the hydroponic setup would help in controlling the weed growth naturally. 

Additionally, this approach would create new job opportunities in both the agricultural and maintenance sectors. With Kerala’s increasing emphasis on sustainable and innovative agricultural practices, leveraging the canal for hydroponics could also serve as a model for other regions facing similar challenges. It will contribute to the broader goals of food security and environmental conservation..
- K A Solaman

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Disclose the undisclosed

#Disclose the undisclosed
The Hema Committee report, which sheds light on alleged misconduct and abuse within the Malayalam cinema industry, has had a profound and unsettling impact. The daily influx of reports regarding highhandedness by male actors towards female counterparts underscores the systemic issues that the report seeks to address. The fact that the police are now inundated with cases highlights the urgency and gravity of the revelations.

 However, the presence of undisclosed pages in the report raises significant concerns. Secrecy surrounding these sections fuels speculation and distrust among the public and industry stakeholders. Transparency is essential, particularly when dealing with issues as sensitive and crucial as workplace harassment and abuse.

The government's stance on the undisclosed pages will be pivotal in determining the future course of this episode. Withholding of information from the report invites questions about the completeness and integrity of the investigative process. 

For the sake of accountability and to restore public trust, it is crucial that the government considers measures to either disclose these pages or provide a detailed explanation for their omission. The right of the public and affected individuals to fully understand the extent of the issues and the measures taken to address them cannot be understated.
- K A Solaman

Monday, August 26, 2024

New Commission needed

#Commission needed in political landscape too.
In Kerala's political landscape also, the issue of sexual harassment and exploitation mirrors the challenges faced in the film industry. Despite frequent reports of harassment involving female politicians and political workers, responses to these allegations often fall short of the urgency and accountability required. 

The intensity measuring commission led by AK Balan and PK Sreemati, intended to address such issues, has been widely criticized for its ineffectiveness. The commission's lack of substantive impact highlights a systemic problem within Kerala's political institutions where, instead of robust legal and administrative measures, token gestures and superficial inquiries prevail. This failure to tackle harassment seriously not only undermines the credibility of the political system but also discourages victims from coming forward, perpetuating a culture of impunity.

To address these issues effectively, there is a need for a more rigorous and transparent mechanism for investigating allegations of harassment within the political arena. A dedicated, independent body with the authority to conduct thorough investigations and enforce consequences is crucial. This body should operate with a mandate to ensure not only the protection of victims but also the accountability of perpetrators, regardless of their political standing. 

Strengthening legal frameworks and fostering a culture of zero tolerance towards harassment are essential steps in safeguarding women's rights and restoring trust in the political system.
-KA Solaman

Saturday, August 24, 2024

AMMA gone

#AMMA gone
The recent withdrawal of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) from Kerala's cinema conclave, led by Cultural Minister Saji Cherian, underscores a grave failure of both institutional integrity and governmental accountability. 

The term "conclave" itself appears to be a mere facade, designed to shield those who have committed reprehensible acts. This move highlights a disheartening trend where efforts to confront misconduct are thwarted by a lack of genuine commitment to justice.

Moreover, the alarming revelations about the current and previous chairpersons of the Kerala State Film Development Corporation (KSFDC) being implicated in instances of sexual misconduct reflect a deep-seated cultural malaise. The government's apparent inaction in the face of such serious allegations reveals a disturbing willingness to overlook criminal behavior among its officials. 

This complacency  perpetuates a culture of impunity, where powerful individuals are shielded from accountability. It is imperative that the government take decisive and transparent action against these perpetrators to restore credibility and uphold the rule of law.
-K A Solaman

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Disappointing stance

#Disappointing #stance
The Kerala government's stance on addressing the issues highlighted in the Justice Hema Committee report is both disappointing and absurd. Despite the report's comprehensive documentation of male perpetrators in the Malayalam film industry, the government's approach appears to be more about maintaining a façade of engagement rather than taking concrete action. 

By treating the issue as a mere conclave—a term traditionally associated with the selection of a pope rather than serious justice—the government reduces a grave matter of sexual harassment to a procedural formality. This approach not only undermines the severity of the allegations but also perpetuates a culture of impunity for the aggressors.

The portrayal of the government's handling of these matters as a "meeting of predators and preys" reflects a disturbing disconnect between its actions and the urgent needs of survivors. 

Instead of decisively implementing the recommendations of the Justice Hema Committee, the government seems to be content with empty rhetoric and ineffective measures. This inaction not only fails to deliver justice but also sends a dangerous message that systemic abuse can be tolerated and that the voices of survivors will not be heard or acted upon.
-K A Solaman

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Troubling issue

#Troubling #issue
The Hema Committee Report sheds light on a deeply troubling issue within the Malayalam film industry, revealing that instances of sexual harassment have not only been pervasive but alarmingly involve minor girls. 

The report highlights that fear of retaliation has silenced many women, making them hesitant to come forward. The implications are severe, with the report suggesting that many prominent figures, including renowned male actors and filmmakers, might be implicated. 

This situation presents a significant challenge for both the industry and the government, as effective action must be taken to ensure justice for victims and prevent future occurrences.

The government’s response to the committee’s findings will be crucial in determining the report's impact. Possible outcomes include stringent regulations and reforms within the industry to enhance safety and accountability. 

Additionally, the establishment of support systems for victims and rigorous legal actions against perpetrators could set a precedent for tackling such issues more broadly. If handled with the necessary seriousness, this could lead to a more transparent and safer environment for women in the industry. This would  offer a much-needed positive shift in addressing harassment of women.
-K A Solaman

Monday, August 19, 2024

Timely decision

#Timely #decision
The High Court of Kerala’s decision to stay the government order permitting external professional groups, including DJs, to perform at college festivals is both timely and necessary. By restricting such external interventions, the court has acknowledged the challenges that principals face in maintaining discipline and order on campus. 

External groups often exacerbate the situation by bringing an additional layer of chaos that is difficult for college authorities to manage. The presence of DJs and other entertainment professionals tends to attract larger crowds, leading to a higher risk of disturbances and unruly behavior. This in turn undermines the authority of college principals. This judicial intervention is a step toward preserving the sanctity and discipline of educational institutions, ensuring that they remain conducive environments for learning.

Criticism should be directed at the government's misguided policy to allow external parties in educational settings. Such a decision seems to ignore the practical realities and the growing trend of disruptive behavior among students and their interactions with outsiders. 

By pushing for external professional groups to be involved in college festivals, the government has inadvertently created scenarios where control becomes a significant challenge. This lack of foresight and understanding of the complex dynamics on campus places an undue burden on college principals, who are often left powerless to address the compounded problems arising from such arrangements.

 The incident at SN College Chempazhanthi, where a teacher was attacked by students, highlights the escalating nature of these issues and underscores the need for more thoughtful, disciplined approaches rather than promoting external entertainment that can destabilize campus environments.
-K-A Solaman

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Corrupt appointments

#Corrupt #appointments
The pervasive practice of backdoor appointments in Kerala, where public positions are filled without regard for the Public Service Commission (PSC) and employment exchanges, highlights a serious breach of meritocracy and transparency. 

This corruption undermines the integrity of the recruitment process and perpetuates a cycle of favoritism and nepotism. The ruling front's involvement in these practices not only disregards established procedures but also signals a blatant disregard for the rights of qualified young aspirants. Such actions erode public trust and deny deserving candidates the opportunity to contribute to governance based on merit and hard work.

Furthermore, the appointment of retired high-ranking officials to various posts is indicative of a systemic issue within the ministerial level. This practice not only sidesteps the principles of fair and competitive selection but also reinforces a culture of patronage and entitlement. It is unjust to sideline younger, capable individuals in favor of those who have already completed their service. This not only deprives the younger generation of opportunities but also stifles innovation and efficiency in public administration.

Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort to restore the integrity of the recruitment process and ensure that appointments are made based on merit and transparency, rather than political influence or personal connections.
-K A Solaman

Monday, August 12, 2024

Hindenberg tactics

#Hindenberg #tactics.
Hindenburg Research's recent allegations against Sebi chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch and her husband, claiming undisclosed investments in offshore funds, appear to be a deliberate attempt to destabilize the Indian stock market. 

Such sensational claims often serve the interests of short-sellers and market manipulators who seek to profit from market volatility. This approach undermines investor confidence and disrupts financial stability, casting serious doubts on the motivations behind Hindenburg's reports.

Collusion of Opposition leaders in India with Hindenberg cannot be ruled out in the move to create uncertainty and capitalize on market fluctuations. By leveraging these tactics, Hindenburg Research risks damaging the integrity of financial markets for their gain.
-K A Solaman

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Wyanad Rehabilitation

#Wayanad #rehabilitation
In light of the recent tremors in Wayanad, it is imperative for the government to prioritize the identification of safe zones for rebuilding efforts. 

It is to be ensured that new housing developments are located in areas with minimal seismic risk. This will  prevent future disasters and ensuring the safety of residents. Detailed geological surveys and risk assessments should guide this process. Modern engineering practices to construct resilient structures are to be coupled with.

Additionally, the rehabilitation plan should incorporate community input to address local needs and preferences, thereby fostering a sense of ownership and support among the displaced population.

Regarding financial aspects, the Kerala government's request for Rs. 2000 crore from the Centre for rehabilitation efforts underscores the magnitude of the crisis. A comprehensive plan detailing the allocation of these funds is essential to ensure transparency and effective use. This plan should outline expenditures for infrastructure rebuilding, temporary shelters, and long-term community development programs.

 Concurrently, the Kerala State Disaster Relief Fund (CMDRF) has accumulated a substantial amount through public contributions. More donations are flowing in. Clear communication on how these funds are being utilized, including detailed reports on expenditure and project progress, is necessary to maintain public trust and accountability. And all this should be done on a warfoot basis.
-K A Solaman

Friday, August 9, 2024

Prevent Disaster

#Prevent further disaster
Granting permission for quarries in geologically sensitive areas such as Wayanad is deeply problematic, given the substantial evidence linking such activities to increased landslide risk. 

Scientific research has consistently demonstrated that indiscriminate quarrying can destabilize land, increase soil erosion, and disrupt natural drainage systems. The recent tragic landslides in Wayanad, which have claimed over 350 lives and displaced thousands, underscore the dire consequences of neglecting these environmental risks. 

The concurrent consideration of new quarries while dealing with the aftermath of such disasters highlights a dangerous disconnect from the immediate and evident threats posed by quarrying activities.

Permitting additional quarries in areas already prone to landslides is a recipe for further disaster. The local Meppadi grama panchayat’s move to consider new quarry permissions despite the ongoing crisis not only risks future lives but also undermines efforts to stabilize and rehabilitate the affected regions. 

It is imperative to impose strict regulations on quarrying in vulnerable areas to prevent recurrence of such tragedies. Prioritizing environmental stability and public safety becomes a central focus in the region's development plans.
-K A Solaman

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Meaningful education

#Meaningful #Education
The introduction of a mandatory minimum of 30% in each subject for SSLC students in Kerala marks a significant shift towards enforcing academic standards. It will  ensure a more realistic assessment of student capabilities. 

Historically, the state's education system has faced criticism for its inconsistency, particularly with policies that allowed for automatic promotion and the pursuit of a 100% pass rate.This approach, while seemingly progressive, often led to a misleading representation of student readiness and achievement. By implementing a more stringent passing criterion, the state aims to address these issues.

The longstanding practice of awarding almost 100% pass rates and promoting students without strict academic benchmarks has created a façade of educational success in Kerala. Such policies have not only undermined the quality of education but also perpetuated a cycle of unrealistic expectations. 

The ruling political parties' claims of achieving cent percent results should be critically examined, as they often reflect a focus on superficial metrics rather than substantive educational progress. It is crucial for policymakers to prioritize meaningful educational reforms that align with the true capabilities of students. Students should le  prepared  adequately for future challenges, rather than pursuing politically motivated targets.
-K A Solaman

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

System failure in Bangladesh

#System failure in Bangladesh.
The recent tragic loss of 440 lives in Bangladesh due to riots starkly underscores the severe deficiencies in the country's law and order framework.

The inability to effectively manage and contain such violence not only reveals a troubling lack of preparedness and response from law enforcement agencies but also highlights the systemic failures that have allowed the situation to escalate to such catastrophic levels. 

The need for immediate and comprehensive reform in Bangladesh's security and administrative structures is imperative to prevent future tragedies and ensure the safety and security of its citizens.
K A Solaman

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Mitigating future landslides

#Mitigating future landslides.
The massive landslides in Wayanad, resulting in significant loss of life and many missing persons, can be attributed to several physical science principles. The extensive quarrying and construction activities disrupt the natural stability of the hillside. Quarrying removes vegetation and destabilizes the soil, reducing its cohesion.

Similarly, the construction of tunnels and roads often involves blasting and excavation, which alters the natural drainage patterns and introduces vibrations that can destabilize slopes. These activities can weaken the rock and soil structure, making it more prone to collapse, particularly during heavy rainfall.

Acoustics, the science of sound, plays a role in this scenario through the vibrations caused by machinery and blasting. The vibrations from these activities can induce stress in the geological formations, leading to cracks and eventually landslides. 

When construction and quarrying operations use explosives or heavy machinery, the resulting acoustic waves can propagate through the ground, contributing to the destabilization of slopes. Thus, while acoustics might not be the primary cause, it contributes to the broader spectrum of factors leading to landslides by causing ground vibrations.

To prevent further landslides in Wayanad, several measures should be implemented. First, stringent regulations should be enforced to limit quarrying and construction activities in vulnerable areas. Implementing better land-use planning and zoning can help avoid such activities in geologically unstable regions. 

Additionally, enhancing drainage systems to manage rainfall runoff effectively can reduce water accumulation in soil, which often triggers landslides. Finally, reforestation efforts and soil stabilization techniques should be employed to restore vegetation and reinforce soil cohesion, thereby mitigating the risks of future landslides.
- K A Solaman

Friday, August 2, 2024

Troubling undercurrent

#Troubling undercurrent
In the wake of the devastating landslide in Wayanad, numerous business groups, organizations, and individuals have publicly committed to assisting the victims through various forms of aid, including cash donations, land, and housing. 

While the intentions of many are genuine, there is a troubling undercurrent of deceit among some aid-promisers who exploit the disaster for personal gain or public relations benefits. These opportunists make grand promises of support, only to retract their commitments once they have gained the media attention or tax benefits they sought. Their actions not only undermine the immediate relief efforts but also erode public trust in the integrity of charitable acts during times of crisis.

To safeguard against such malfeasance, a robust government monitoring agency must be established to oversee and verify the fulfillment of these aid promises. This agency should ensure that all pledges are honored and any deviations from the original commitments are promptly addressed. Transparency is crucial; if any entity or individual fails to deliver on their promises, they must be exposed and held accountable for their actions. 

A calamity should not serve as a cover for exploitation, and it is imperative that every pledged resource reaches those in need, rather than being squandered or misappropriated.
-K A Solaman

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Invaluable resource

#Invaluable resource
Despite recent controversies and allegations of mismanagement, the Kerala Chief Minister's Relief Fund (CMRF) remains a crucial mechanism for delivering aid to those in need. 

While reports of irregularities in handling funds from past disasters, such as the 2018 flood, have surfaced, it's important to remember that these issues do not negate the fundamental role and potential efficacy of the CMRF. This fund is designed specifically to address emergency situations and support recovery efforts, making it an invaluable resource for disaster relief in Kerala. Ensuring that aid reaches the intended beneficiaries requires ongoing scrutiny and accountability, but the CMRF's established infrastructure and targeted approach make it a key player in the state's humanitarian response.

Choosing to donate to the CMRF, despite the recent concerns, supports a system that, when properly managed, has a proven track record of addressing urgent needs. Alternative agencies, while potentially well-meaning, often lack the same level of transparency and direct impact as the CMRF. By contributing to the CMRF, donors can help ensure that aid is directed towards those who need it most, reinforcing the fund's ability to provide timely and effective support. 

It is essential to advocate for improvements and oversight within the CMRF while continuing to leverage its established framework for the benefit of disaster-stricken communities.
-K A Solaman

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