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Friday, March 15, 2024

Server malfunction

#Server malfunction
The recent server malfunction affecting the priority ration card mustering in Kerala highlights a recurring issue that has plagued the state's administrative systems. The reliance on technology, particularly servers, has often led to disruptions in essential services, causing inconvenience and distress to citizens, particularly those dependent on subsidized food through the ration card system. This incident underscores the need for robust infrastructure and contingency plans to mitigate such failures and ensure uninterrupted service delivery.

Moreover, server malfunctions extend beyond ration card mustering, affecting crucial processes like salary and pension distribution for employees. Such repeated occurrences raise questions about the preparedness and efficiency of the state authorities in managing technological systems. Blaming servers for administrative failures has become a convenient scapegoat for authorities, deflecting responsibility from addressing underlying issues in infrastructure and system management.

While technology has undoubtedly brought advancements and efficiencies, its implementation in Kerala seems to have encountered significant challenges. The sentiment among many Keralites reflects frustration with the perceived drawbacks of computer-assisted mechanisms, viewing them more as a curse than a boon. This raises the imperative for a reevaluation of the state's approach to technology integration, reliability, and accountability. The technological advancements should truly benefit all citizens without causing undue hardships.
-K A Solaman

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