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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Comedy show

#Comedy Show
It's quite the comedic to see political parties engage in a tangled web of contradictions while trying to maintain their stance against the common enemy, the BJP. The recent exchange between Shashi Tharoor of the Congress and CPI General Secretary D Raja perfectly encapsulates this irony. 

Tharoor, expressing disbelief at the CPI's opposition to Rahul Gandhi's candidacy in Wayanad while simultaneously facing resistance from the CPI in Thiruvananthapuram, highlights the absurdity of political alliances. Meanwhile, D Raja's retort about the left fighting against communal and fascist forces adds another layer to the farcical drama.

As voters, it's becoming increasingly challenging to decipher the true motives behind political maneuvers when parties seem to switch allegiances and rhetoric at the drop of a hat. The concept of the 'India Front' intended to unify against the BJP loses its legitimacy when its own members are engaged in internal squabbles. It mirrors the very divisiveness they claim to oppose.

The voters deserve transparency and consistency from their elected representatives, and not a circus of contradictions that leaves them scratching their heads in confusion. It's high time for political parties to prioritize genuine unity and coherence in their actions if they wish to earn the trust and support of the electorate.

-K A Solaman

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