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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Anvar's war

#Anvar's #war
Kerala MLA P.V. Anvar's recent social media outburst against social critic Adv. A Jayashankar represents a grave abuse of power and undermines the principles of democratic discourse. 

Anvar's threats to publicly humiliate Jayashankar by pouring toilet waste over him and tearing his clothes are not only appalling but reflect a dangerous disregard for civil norms and legal boundaries. Such behavior from an elected official, who is sworn to uphold the law, erodes public trust in the institutions meant to protect citizens' rights and ensure respectful dialogue.

The chief minister must act decisively to address this misconduct. Allowing an MLA to act with such impunity not only jeopardizes the integrity of the political system but also sets a dangerous precedent for how dissenting voices are treated. 

Immediate and stringent action is required to uphold the rule of law and to reaffirm that no individual, regardless of their position, is above accountability and respect for democratic principles.
_K A Solaman

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