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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Medical Education

#Medical #Education
The argument that anatomy cannot be studied without cadavers is false. Because in an era where medical ethics sometimes seem to prioritize surgery over patient care, there are numerous alternative methods for studying human anatomy.

Key alternatives mentioned include:
 * Virtual Reality: Virtual anatomy tools provide more lifelike views of organs than embalmed cadavers, allowing students to examine organs from all angles.
 * Prosections: These are preserved specimens dissected by experts.
 * Medical Imaging: Techniques like CT and MRI scans can create 3D cinematic renderings.
 * Ultrasound: Ultrasound scanning is a method for studying body structure.
 * Live Models and Simulated Models: These can be used to teach anatomy.
 * Body Painting: Body painting is another method for teaching anatomy.
 * 3D Printing: 3D printing can be used to teach anatomy.
 * Electronic Bodies: Electronic bodies can be used to teach anatomy.
 * Drawing: Drawing can be used to teach anatomy.

Some medical schools have already moved away from cadaver dissection, adopting a prosection-based learning model or a fully virtual approach. With timely updates, the need for cadavers in medical education in India can be eliminated. This would also eliminate the need for families to donate the bodies of their deceased loved ones to medical colleges, thereby avoiding potential legal issues and threats. 

In short  the use of cadavers in medical education is outdated and that there are more effective and humane alternatives available.

K A Solaman

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Cadaver donation

#Cadaver donation
The role of cadaver donation in medical education has evolved significantly. While 3D visuals and simulations offer invaluable tools, they cannot fully replicate the complexity and tactile experience of dissecting a human body. 

Cadavers remain essential for medical students to understand anatomy, physiology, and surgical techniques. Therefore, donating a body remains a significant contribution to medical advancement.

However, ethical considerations, such as informed consent and respect for the donor, must always be prioritized. It necessitates a transparent approach to honour donors’ and their families' wishes.

Thus, while body donation is a noble contribution, it is crucial to navigate the complexities surrounding it with sensitivity and integrity.
-K A Solaman

Monday, September 23, 2024

Misguided comparison

#Misguided #comparison
U Pratibha's comparison of PV Anvar to figures like Jesus Christ and Socrates is misguided. It is  deeply troubling, given Anvar's controversial history, including allegations of illegal land possession and scrutiny over his gold business.

Such a comparison trivializes the legacies of these revered historical figures, who embodied integrity and moral clarity. These qualities are  starkly absent in Anvar's actions. By equating Anvar with icons of virtue, Pratibha undermines the seriousness of the issues at hand. Her statement reflects a disturbing disregard for ethical standards in politics.
-K A Solaman

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Farcical play

#Farcical play
The situation surrounding the toddy shop in Cherthala highlights a rather ironic contradiction in public policy and political rhetoric. 

On one hand, the excise authorities are taking a firm stand against the sale of toddy to school students during Onam celebrations, citing the Kerala Abkari Act to protect young people from alcohol consumption. On the other hand, influential political figures like EP Jayarajan openly promote toddy as a health drink, encouraging its daily consumption. 

This duality raises eyebrows: how can a beverage be both a dangerous substance for minors and a healthy addition to one’s diet? 

The lack of accountability from LDF members regarding Jayarajan's remarks further complicates the matter, revealing a troubling inconsistency in the party's stance on alcohol.

Moreover, the irony extends to the broader cultural context. While the government takes action against underage drinking, the same political leaders who advocate for the drink seem unfazed by the public displays of revelry often fueled by toddy.

These street dances, perhaps perceived as harmless celebrations, are emblematic of a selective approach to alcohol regulation. If toddy is indeed a health drink, as claimed, then why are the authorities cracking down on its sale to young people? 

The entire scenario feels less like a serious public health initiative and more like a farcical play, where the script keeps changing depending on who’s on stage.
-K A Solaman

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hosting Argentina Football team

#Hosting Argentina Football team.
The proposal to allocate Rs 100 crore to host the Argentina football team in Kerala stands in stark contrast to the financial constraints currently faced by the state government. Amid a ban on payments exceeding Rs 5 lakhs to contractors for essential services, this extravagant expenditure highlights a profound disconnect between the government's priorities and the pressing needs of its citizens. 

Such a significant financial commitment, particularly in a time of fiscal austerity, raises serious questions about the rationality of the Sports Ministry's decision-making.

Investing such a vast sum in a single event while limiting funds for critical infrastructure and services is not only reckless but also undermines the government's responsibility to its constituents. Instead of focusing on the grassroots development of sports, which could benefit a larger section of the population, this initiative appears to prioritize spectacle over substance. 

The government must reconsider its approach and prioritize sustainable investments that foster long-term growth and well-being for all citizens rather than chasing fleeting opportunities for fame or prestige.
-K A Solaman

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Mining operation

#Mining #permission
The recent grant of preliminary consent for 885 additional quarries in Kerala highlights a disturbing trend of prioritizing short-term economic gains over environmental sustainability. With the total number of government-permitted quarries now reaching 1,446, it raises serious concerns about the long-term consequences of such expansive mining operations. 

The tragic landslide in Wayanad serves as a stark reminder of the potential disasters that can arise from unchecked quarrying activities. This incident should compel the government to reassess its approach to mining permissions, as the risks to both human life and the environment far outweigh any economic benefits.

Moreover, the government’s decision to expand quarry operations, particularly in ecologically sensitive regions, reflects a troubling disregard for community welfare and ecological integrity. Illegal mining activities have already demonstrated their capacity to destabilize landscapes and compromise the safety of local populations.

By issuing more quarry licenses, the government  undermines regulatory frameworks. It  also signals a lack of accountability towards the environmental degradation and community displacement.

 It is imperative for policymakers to adopt a more cautious and responsible stance, prioritizing sustainable practices that safeguard both the environment and the lives of residents.
- K A Solaman

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Anvar's war

#Anvar's #war
Kerala MLA P.V. Anvar's recent social media outburst against social critic Adv. A Jayashankar represents a grave abuse of power and undermines the principles of democratic discourse. 

Anvar's threats to publicly humiliate Jayashankar by pouring toilet waste over him and tearing his clothes are not only appalling but reflect a dangerous disregard for civil norms and legal boundaries. Such behavior from an elected official, who is sworn to uphold the law, erodes public trust in the institutions meant to protect citizens' rights and ensure respectful dialogue.

The chief minister must act decisively to address this misconduct. Allowing an MLA to act with such impunity not only jeopardizes the integrity of the political system but also sets a dangerous precedent for how dissenting voices are treated. 

Immediate and stringent action is required to uphold the rule of law and to reaffirm that no individual, regardless of their position, is above accountability and respect for democratic principles.
_K A Solaman

Friday, September 13, 2024

Abandon autonomy

#Abandon #autonomy
The autonomy granted to colleges in Kerala has led to significant issues, particularly regarding academic standards and transparency. Many institutions misuse their autonomous status to promote students without adhering to proper qualification criteria, undermining the integrity of the educational system.

 Instances of advancing students to higher classes despite inadequate performance, and the manipulation of internal assessments and grace marks, illustrate how autonomy can be exploited. This  diminishes the value of education and compromises the quality of graduates.

The lack of stringent oversight and adherence to a standardized examination schedule further increase the problem. When colleges operate independently, there is often a lack of uniformity in academic practices, which can lead to inconsistent and unreliable evaluation of student performance. 

The absence of a time-bound examination system also contributes to delays and inefficiencies, ultimately affecting students' academic progress and readiness for their future careers.

Moreover, some autonomous colleges have used their status to offer courses that serve political interests rather than academic ones. These programs, designed to further political agendas rather than educational goals, should be scrapped to maintain the primary focus of higher education. 

A return to university governance and mandatory attendance would help restore accountability and ensure that educational institutions serve their intended purpose: providing high-quality education and preparing students for their professional lives.
K A Solaman

Newspaper policy

#Newspaper #policy
The policy of Kerala newspapers featuring multiple front pages is a glaring misstep that primarily cheats subscribers, while also causing dissatisfaction among advertisers. By reserving several slots on the front page for advertisements, these newspapers undermine their role as unbiased and reliable sources of news, substituting journalistic integrity with commercial interests.

For subscribers, this practice means that their primary source of news is diluted and less reliable. The front page, traditionally reserved for the most crucial and timely news, becomes cluttered with promotional content, compromising the quality and immediacy of news delivery. This not only devalues the subscriber's investment but also erodes trust in the newspaper's commitment to journalism.

For advertisers, the situation isn't much better. While they may secure prominent placement, they end up paying a premium for what amounts to a cluttered and less impactful spot. The value of front-page advertising diminishes when the space is congested with multiple ads, reducing its effectiveness and appeal.

To address this, newspapers should reconsider their pricing and placement strategies. Charging a uniform fee for both front and inner page ads would simplify the process and eliminate the need for such front-page congestion. This would also ensure a clearer, more focused presentation of news on the front page, restoring its role as the primary source of timely information.

It's ironic that newspapers, which often critique various societal issues, fail to self-regulate in this regard. This inconsistency undermines their credibility and diminishes their role as trustworthy news providers. A return to a single, impactful front page and a more balanced approach to advertising would reflect a commitment to both journalistic standards and fair advertising practices.
-K A Solaman

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Unjust treatment

#Unjust #treatment
The glaring disparity between the treatment of employees in the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) and the Kerala State Beverages Corporation Ltd (BEVCO) underscores a profound inequity that is both unjust and reprehensible.

 Despite the Kerala government’s directive to extend Onam benefits to all public sector employees, KSRTC staff have been unfairly deprived of these benefits, leaving them without the means to celebrate the festival. In stark contrast, BEVCO employees have been awarded a substantial Onam bonus of Rs 95,000. This uneven distribution of benefits   undermines the principle of fairness. It also fosters a sense of resentment among KSRTC employees who are being unjustly sidelined.

Such selective allocation of benefits highlights a troubling precedent of differential treatment within the same governmental framework. It is imperative that all employees under the state government are afforded equal benefits and recognition, especially during culturally significant occasions like Onam. 

The disparity in treatment between KSRTC and BEVCO employees is a stark violation of the principle of equity and fairness, and it is crucial that the KSRTC management immediately addresses this issue by sanctioning the Onam benefits as per the government order. 
- K A Solaman

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

About Ward Delimitation

#About Ward delimitation
The recent notification about ward delimitation in Kerala, which increases the number of wards significantly, raises concerns regarding its financial and administrative implications. The expansion from 15,962 to 17,337 wards, alongside the increase in block and district panchayat divisions, seems to place an additional financial burden on already strained resources. 

Many panchayats are grappling with budgetary constraints, leading to delays in employee salaries and impacting the overall efficiency of local governance. Given these challenges, the current approach to ward delimitation may be seen as counterproductive, diverting essential funds away from pressing needs.

An alternative solution could be to amend the panchayat act to accommodate a higher number of voters per ward. For instance, if a ward currently serves 1,000 voters, increasing this number to 1,500 could streamline administrative costs and mitigate the strain on the exchequer. By doing so, it might reduce the financial pressure on panchayats and allow more funds to be directed towards essential services and employment opportunities.

 This adjustment could not only enhance the efficiency of local governance but also alleviate the adverse effects of political party dynamics on the livelihoods of residents.
-K A  Solaman

Monday, September 9, 2024

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Revitalising village libraries

#Revitalising village libraries
In Kerala, village libraries, which are overseen by local self-government bodies, face significant challenges despite receiving substantial funding through taxes and building fees. 

Many of these libraries suffer from inadequate facilities, including poor lighting, insufficient reading materials, and lack of essential amenities like proper seating and sanitation. The current state of these libraries reflects a troubling gap between the resources allocated and the actual services provided to the community. 

One critical issue is the outdated and ineffective administration of these libraries. Often, the library committees are composed of individuals who have held positions for decades, with many members being elderly and out of touch with contemporary library practices. This entrenched leadership fails to innovate or adapt to the evolving needs of library users, resulting in a stagnation of services and a disconnect with the modern information landscape. 

The election process for these committees is frequently criticized for being non-transparent and ineffective, further entrenching these outdated practices.

To address these issues and rejuvenate the village libraries in Kerala, a reform in the administrative structure is necessary. Implementing a rule that limits the tenure of library office bearers to a maximum of three years would ensure a regular infusion of new ideas and perspectives. No person should be allowed as office bearer  for another term.

This change would help align library management with current trends and needs, fostering innovation and responsiveness. By establishing a dynamic and accountable leadership structure, Kerala's village libraries can be revitalized to better serve their communities and make effective use of the resources available.
-K A Solaman

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Reprehensible exploitation

#Reprehensible #exploitation
The Kerala Government’s persistent promotion of lottery schemes, such as the Thiruvonam bumper lottery, epitomizes a reprehensible exploitation of its citizens’ naivety. With over 23 lakh tickets sold, the state is not merely facilitating a game of chance but actively preying on the financial desperation of its people.

The improbability of winning, given the minuscule odds, is starkly contrasted by the government’s glossy promises of quick wealth. This strategy represents a calculated manipulation of hope, where the promise of an unrealistic financial windfall masks a grim reality of significant loss for the majority.

The state’s involvement in such lotteries can be viewed as a systematic form of exploitation, where it acts as an enabler of a form of societal begging. The government’s role in orchestrating and benefiting from this scheme is a grave moral failure. 

Instead of uplifting and supporting its people, the government is complicit in their financial peril, capitalizing on their ignorance and desperation. This practice not only undermines the ethical responsibilities of public institutions but also reinforces a cycle of false hope and economic vulnerability.
- K A  Solaman

Friday, September 6, 2024

Market sell-off

#Market sell-off
The recent US unemployment data likely triggered a sell-off in the Indian stock market due to concerns about its impact on global economic conditions.

 If US unemployment rises, it could signal economic weakness in the world's largest economy, leading to potential reductions in consumer spending and international trade. This may affect Indian exports and corporate earnings, prompting investor fears and selling pressure in Indian markets. 

Additionally, global risk aversion might lead to capital outflows from emerging markets like India, exacerbating market declines. In the short term, such movements could lead to increased volatility and potentially lower investor confidence in Indian equities.
_-K A Solaman

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Panchayat libraries in Kerala

#Panchayat #Libraries in Kerala 
Rural libraries in Kerala, which have the potential to be pivotal in enhancing the welfare of rural communities, are currently falling short of their objectives. These libraries should ideally serve as comprehensive community information centers, addressing diverse needs from everyday problem-solving to access to educational resources. 

However, many libraries in Kerala are struggling with significant issues, including infrequent visits by librarians, poor management of periodicals and newspapers, and a lack of modern amenities such as TV, computers, and internet access. This lack of up-to-date facilities and resources severely limits their effectiveness and relevance to the local population, particularly the younger generation who are more likely to engage with modern technologies and media.

Moreover, the physical infrastructure and organizational practices of these libraries also need urgent reform. The absence of basic amenities such as adequate seating for elders and sanitary facilities undermines the libraries' role as community hubs. 

The current state of these libraries often reflects a broader issue of neglect and mismanagement, with some libraries suffering from outdated office bearers who have held their positions for decades without transparent elections or effective oversight. This lack of transparency and renewal in leadership perpetuates inefficiency and stagnation, further distancing these libraries from meeting the evolving needs of their communities.

To address these issues, a comprehensive overhaul of library management and infrastructure is required. Libraries need to implement regular and transparent elections for office bearers to ensure fresh leadership and innovative ideas. Investment in modern resources and facilities, such as internet access and comfortable seating, is crucial to attracting and retaining users, particularly the youth.

 Additionally, regular oversight and accountability measures should be put in place to ensure proper maintenance and effective operation. By addressing these areas, rural libraries in Kerala can be revitalized to better serve their communities and fulfill their essential role in improving quality of life.
-K A Solaman

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