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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Hema Commission report

#Hema Commission report.
The government's prolonged withholding of the Hema Commission report on sexual harassment and gender inequality in the Malayalam film industry raises serious concerns about transparency and accountability. 

By keeping such a critical document under wraps for over four years since its submission in December 2019, the government appears to be neglecting its duty to address systemic issues within the industry promptly. The commission was specifically established to investigate and recommend measures to combat illegal and offensive acts against women, aiming to foster a safer and more equitable working environment. However, by delaying the release of its findings, the government is effectively delaying potential reforms and justice for victims of harassment and discrimination.

The substantial public expenditure of over one crore rupees on the commission's proceedings further underscores the gravity of this issue. Taxpayer money has been invested in uncovering and addressing issues that are evidently of significant public interest, yet the government's failure to disclose the report undermines the principles of democratic governance and transparency. The potential sensitivity of the report, often cited as a reason for its non-disclosure, cannot justify this prolonged secrecy, especially when transparency is crucial for accountability and remedial action.

The Human Rights Commission's directive to release the report rightly emphasizes the public's right to know and the imperative to hold accountable those responsible for any wrongdoing identified by the commission.

- K A Solaman

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