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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

0bstratucting rice distribution

#Obstructing rice distribution.
A report from Thrissur  says that Police has obstructed the sale of Bharat Rice in Mullassery. The police explained that the distribution of Bharat Rice was stopped because, the by-elections in the Mallassery.Panchayat were close by. By-elections in the seventh ward of Mullassery Panchayat will be held soon This decision led to a confrontation between the police and BJP workers there. Following this, the police withdrew from stopping the distribution of Bharat Rice.

Blocking Bhara rice distribution by the police in Thrissur ahead of a panchayat ward election raises concerns about the politicization of welfare programs. While ensuring fair elections is crucial, interfering with essential services like rice distribution can disproportionately affect vulnerable populations who depend on such support. By blocking the distribution, authorities risk exacerbating food insecurity among those in need. It potentially compromise their right to access basic necessities.

On the other hand, election codes of conduct aim to maintain a level playing field and prevent undue influence on voters. Distributing rice during an election period could be perceived as an attempt to sway voters in favor of a particular candidate or party. However, the enforcement of such rules should be proportionate and considerate of the impact on the welfare of citizens. Therefore, a critical analysis should weigh the necessity of maintaining electoral integrity against the potential harm caused by disrupting essential services.

Bharat Rice, a central government initiative was being sold at Rs 29 per kg. The state-level distribution occurred in Thrissur, coinciding with the national-level inauguration in Delhi. The Kerala government had anticipated that Bharat Rice would be distributed through ration shops or Supplyco, but this did not happen, resulting in the government missing out on potential commissions. This has probably angered the Kerala government. Hence all the controversies and conflicts regarding the distribution of Bharat Rice surface.

Remember, rice distribution is not a big developmental activity like constructing a road or a bridge. The voters can survive without a road but not without food.
-K. A Solaman

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