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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hamas deserves it!

The killing of innocent people is condemnable, whatever the circumstances. Although Israel’s latest military action against the Palestinians in Gaza is deplorable given the number of innocent civilians being killed, one must also recognise the fact that Israel as a sovereign nation has every right to defend its citizens. For months now Hamas has been constantly firing Katyusha and other rockets into Israeli territories without any remorse. Thus, Israel’s latest retaliation is something that was unavoidable.

One must also not forget that Israel is surrounded by enemies. It cannot tolerate any activity in its neighbourhood that undermines its territorial integrity and the safety of its citizens. It is to Israel’s credit that it values the life of each and every citizen of its country.

Nonetheless, there needs to be a comprehensive peace package to solve the Israel-Palestine dispute that is acceptable to all stakeholders.

KA Solaman

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