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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Silence of love

#Silent of #love.
The passing of MK Lalithambika has left an irreplaceable void in the life of her son Sabji, a man whose talents and pursuits have shaped him into a well-rounded individual. 

Lalithambika was not just a mother but a constant presence in Sabji’s life, particularly in her later years when illness confined her to bed. Her immobility was a challenge for both of them, but Sabji took it upon himself to ensure her comfort, tending to her needs with unwavering love and dedication. Despite his many commitments as a writer, orator, and Secretary of the Alochana Cultural Centre, he remained devoted to his mother, carefully balancing his roles while making time for her care.

For the past six months, even though his world became smaller as he devoted more time to his mother, Sabji still managed to visit Sarvodaya Library, his sanctuary of knowledge. Yet, his time there was cut short as his heart pulled him back home, knowing that his bedridden mother awaited his return. It was a silent ritual of love — his mother, even in her weakened state, waiting for her son, and Sabji, mindful of her, cutting short his library visits. 

Their bond was unspoken but powerful, a testament to the deep love that exists between a mother and her child. Today, however, she has left him, and with her departure, Sabji faces a new reality—one where the familiar wait is no more.

The grief Sabji bears is one that even his vast life experiences cannot alleviate. The silence of his home without his mother’s presence will be deafening, and though his mother is no longer physically waiting for him, her memory will linger in every corner of his life. 

The words, “Life of the dead is in the memory of the living,” ring true, and Sabji will carry his mother in his heart forever. While his days may feel lonelier, the lessons of love, care, and sacrifice he learned in those last months will stay with him, guiding him forward. His mother will live on, not just in his memories, but in every word he writes, every story he tells, and every life he touches with his work.

 "A mother's hug lasts long after she lets go". 
-K A Solaman

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Comic relief

#Comic relief
M.V. Govindan’s recent statement declaring that CPM party members found consuming alcohol will be expelled raises eyebrows due to its impracticality. If strictly enforced, this would likely result in a significant reduction of party membership, as alcohol consumption is common among many individuals, including party members. 

The mechanism to identify those who drink, such as using a breathalyzer, is both unrealistic and intrusive. Expecting one party member to police another’s private behavior is unreasonable and bound to create distrust within the ranks. 

Moreover, many members might take medicines that contain alcohol as a base due to medical conditions, making it difficult to distinguish between medicinal use and recreational drinking. This renders any method to identify alcohol consumption unreliable and flawed.

Govindan’s remarks seem more like an attempt to draw attention rather than a well-thought-out policy. His comparison is akin to the laughable proposal of selling appam via the K-Rail project, making it clear that such statements often lack seriousness. They instead provide the public with comic relief rather than addressing real issues within the party or society. Instead of focusing on such impractical declarations, attention should be directed toward more meaningful discussions and reforms within the party.
-K A Solaman

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Juvenile crime

Juvenile crime
Juvenile crime in Kerala has escalated due to several concerning factors, primarily drug abuse, the influence of violent media, and government inaction. 

The easy availability of drugs like MDMA, ganja, and alcohol has become a serious problem. This stems from ineffective government policies that have failed to stem the flow of these substances into schools and colleges. Youngsters are increasingly drawn into the vicious cycle of addiction, leading to violent outbursts and criminal behavior. 

Furthermore, the glorification of violence in Malayalam cinema and serials is another major factor. Depicting violence as a means of heroism or revenge has a profound impact on impressionable young minds, encouraging them to resort to aggression to solve problems.

The government's inaction compounds the issue. Despite clear signs of a growing drug problem and increasing juvenile crimes, there has been no concrete action taken to curtail these trends. 

Politically influential individuals and student outfits associated with major political parties often escape justice, weakening the law enforcement system. 

To address this, the government must prioritize strict regulations and policies to curb the inflow of drugs into the state. Schools and colleges need enhanced vigilance, awareness programs, and counseling services.

 Additionally, a crackdown on crime in entertainment media and swift, unbiased judicial action against all offenders, irrespective of political connections, is essential for bringing discipline and security back to educational institutions.
-K A Solaman

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Strategic Gambit

#Strategic #Gambit
The recent praise by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor for the Pinarayi Vijayan-led government in Kerala has sparked speculation about his political future. Some believe this is a calculated move by Tharoor, sensing the decline of the Congress party in India. 

His apparent shift in tone, from critiquing the ruling Left to offering compliments, is seen by some as an attempt to secure his political relevance, particularly his parliamentary seat. Critics argue that his actions are motivated by personal ambition. 

He may be preparing to leave Congress to align with another political force. Many now expect him to quit the party soon, viewing his remarks as a strategic gambit to safeguard his position in Kerala politics.
-K A Solaman

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Replacing old Cars

#Replacing old cars.
The recent decisions by both the state and central governments to sharply increase road taxes and fitness testing fees for old vehicles are harsh and unfair. Many people, particularly those from lower-income groups, simply cannot afford to buy new vehicles. Penalizing them with heavy taxes and exorbitant fees only deepens their financial struggles, enhancing the inequality in society. 

These policies ignore the reality that many rely on older vehicles to earn a living or for essential daily needs. Instead of burdening them further, the government should adopt empathetic measures that recognize the economic hardships faced by these citizens. They should be offered supportive alternatives, such as subsidies for scrapping old vehicles or incentives for affordable, eco-friendly replacements.
-K A Solaman

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Blatant misuse

#Blatant misuse
The recent decision by the Kerala Cabinet to revise the salaries and benefits of Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) members to match the superscale pay of District Judges, along with generous pensions, is a blatant misuse of public funds. 

It's appalling that individuals, often handpicked from the political elite's close circles with no particular qualifications, are being rewarded with exorbitant salaries while thousands of elderly and destitute citizens struggle to survive on a meager welfare pension of just ₹1600. This glaring injustice reflects deep-seated political corruption, where the privileged few benefit at the cost of the most vulnerable in society, who are continuously denied their basic rights and dignity.
-K A Solaman

Monday, February 17, 2025

Shaming Teachers

#Shamig teachers?
The Kerala Education Department's decision to publicly shame government school teachers for sending their children to private schools is deeply misguided and infringes on the fundamental right to choose education freely. 

In a democratic society like India, every individual, regardless of their profession, has the right to decide what they believe is best for their children's future. Teachers, who are more than aware of the pros and cons of different educational systems, should not be coerced or judged for exercising this right. 

Instead of resorting to such counterproductive measures, the government should focus on improving the quality and perception of public education, so it becomes a desirable choice for all. This approach only diverts attention from the real issue—enhancing the standards of government schools.
-K A Solaman

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Profit over Education

#Profit over Education
The decision of the Kerala government to allow private universities within the state is deeply flawed and misguided. At a time when thousands of undergraduate course seats in state universities remain vacant, this move appears to prioritize profit over education.

 Many students already leave Kerala to pursue education and jobs abroad due to a severe lack of local employment opportunities. The government, instead of addressing the core issue of unemployment and the declining quality of education in state universities, seems more interested in creating private institutions that will serve as money-making machines for politicians.

 These private universities, driven by profit motives, may attract students initially with deceptive advertising, but they are unlikely to offer any meaningful improvement in educational standards or job prospects. This is especially detrimental to students from lower-income families who will not be able to afford such costly education.

Rather than establishing private universities, the government should focus on strengthening the existing state universities like Kerala, MG, Calicut, and Kannur Universities. These institutions need proper funding, improved infrastructure, better faculty, and more transparent governance to ensure quality education and better employment prospects for students. 

Allowing private universities will only make inequality in education, where those who can afford it will have access to a superficial, profit-driven education while the poor are left behind. This approach, which seems to ignore the pressing needs of the student community and society, is not just harmful but deeply irresponsible.

-K A Solaman

Friday, February 7, 2025

Welfare pension

#Welfare pension
The welfare pension for elders and destitutes in Kerala has remained unchanged at Rs. 1600 since 2021, despite the rising cost of living and inflation. If the expected yearly increase of 9% were applied, the pension should now be Rs. 2176. However, this adjustment has not been implemented, leaving these vulnerable individuals in financial distress.

This is particularly harsh when, in the same budget, government employees receive increased benefits and allowances. It is only fair that the welfare pension be raised to at least Rs. 2000 per month to offer some relief and dignity to those who depend on it for their basic survival.
-K A. Solaman


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-à´•െ à´Ž à´¸ോളമൻ

Departure from promise

#Departure from promise
The 2025-26 Kerala Budget, with the announcement of a 50% hike in land tax and proposed road tolls to generate revenue for KIIFB, marks a significant departure from the earlier promise. This move contradicts the party’s initial commitment to funding infrastructure through alternative means, signaling a shift towards more conventional methods of revenue generation. 

Critics may view this as a backtrack, undermining the credibility of the government’s previous assurances and raising concerns about the long-term sustainability of KIIFB’s model. The reliance on increased taxes and tolls may also trigger public backlash, especially as it conflicts with the original vision of the fund as a burden-free development initiative.

-K A Solaman

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Men's Commission

#Men's Commission
The idea of a Men's Commission, as proposed, seems unnecessary and redundant in the current social landscape. Unlike women, who have historically faced systemic oppression and discrimination, men do not face the same widespread institutional challenges that would warrant a dedicated commission. 

Resources and energy should be focused on addressing issues like gender inequality, violence against women, and the systemic discrimination faced by marginalized groups. A Men's Commission risks becoming a symbolic gesture rather than a meaningful tool for justice, diverting attention from more pressing social issues and potentially reinforcing regressive narratives about gender. 

It could easily turn into a bureaucratic structure without yielding significant benefits, thereby acting as a waste of public funds.
-K A Solaman

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Stern action needed

#Stern action needed.
The ongoing protest by the Students Federation of India (SFI) within the Kerala University headquarters, despite a formal complaint lodged by the University with the State Police Chief, highlights a grave breach of campus security and a failure in maintaining law and order. 

The inaction by the police, even after five days, not only compromises the safety and smooth functioning of the institution but also raises concerns about the effectiveness of the Home Department.

 The Vice-Chancellor’s stance in safeguarding the university's security and upholding its sanctity must be supported, as any disruption to the academic environment is detrimental to the students, faculty, and administration. 

The newly appointed Governor should take immediate steps to address this issue and ensure that the university remains a place for learning, free from undue political interference and unlawful demonstrations.
- K A Solaman

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Flawed policy

#Flawed policy
The re-appointment of retired individuals by the Kerala government under the guise of utilizing experience and expertise is a deeply flawed policy that stifles the growth and opportunities of the younger generation. By continuously re-hiring retirees, the government is denying thousands of capable, educated, and skilled young people their rightful chance at employment. 

This practice creates an artificial barrier for fresh talent to enter the workforce, limiting innovation and progressive thinking that comes from younger minds. Just as it is natural for younger individuals to take on key roles in other aspects of society, they should be given the opportunity to lead and contribute in the workforce as well. 

By holding onto outdated notions of experience, the government is essentially crippling the career prospects of the future generation, undermining their economic stability, and perpetuating an unfair system of favoritism that hinders the state's overall growth.
-K A Solaman

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Ignoring CAG

#Ignoring CAG
The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report highlights significant lapses in the financial dealings of the Kerala LDF government. It raises concerns about transparency and fiscal responsibility. Ignoring such a report undermines accountability and sets a dangerous precedent, where public funds are mismanaged without corrective action.

The consequences include a weakened trust in governance, potential legal ramifications, and a worsening financial crisis for the state. To recover the losses, the government must initiate an impartial investigation, recover funds from those responsible, and implement strict financial controls. 

Ministers and officials involved in the decision-making processes should be held accountable, and stringent penalties must be enforced to prevent future lapses. The public deserves a transparent explanation of the mismanagement and assurance that such negligence will not be repeated.
-K A Solaman

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Boy needs juvenilerefinement

#Boy needs juvenile refinement
The recent incident involving a class 11 student from Anakkara Government Higher Secondary School in Palakkad, who issued a death threat to the school principal after his phone was confiscated, highlights the alarming rise of indiscipline among students. 

Despite the student's suspension, his subsequent readmission without proper corrective measures raises serious concerns about the enforcement of discipline and the role of juvenile courts in Kerala. Such a severe act should warrant a period of juvenile refinement, emphasizing the need for behavioral correction before reintegration into the school. The.higher education minister's concern that the boy should be kept in hold is out of the odinary and smacks of suspicion.

The state's negligence in controlling the spread of drugs and alcohol, which has been a major influence in such incidents, further exacerbates the situation. The responsibility lies with the state to ensure a safe and conducive learning environment, and such lapses only encourage further misconduct among students.

-KA Solaman

Hide and Seek

#Hide and Seek
The recent unanimous resolution by the Kerala Assembly, calling for the immediate withdrawal of the draft UGC norms and insisting on central-state consultation, starkly highlights the camaraderie between the ruling CPM-led front and the Congress-led opposition. The fact that both sides came together so seamlessly for a cause suggests a hidden, unspoken understanding between them. 

However, while they present a united front on such matters, the people are left to suffer under the weight of unresolved scandals and corruption. The opposition's support of the ruling front in this instance is merely a façade, concealing their reluctance to confront the real issues plaguing the state.

Simultaneously, the Congress-led opposition’s criticisms of the Kerala CM over the Palakkad brewery license scam and the PPE kit scam ring hollow. Their rhetoric appears more for show than genuine action. The absence of effective protest or meaningful intervention indicates a deliberate avoidance of conflict, allowing the ruling front to operate with impunity. This lack of opposition is a betrayal to the people, who are being deceived by both sides, as corruption flourishes and accountability is non-existent. 

The political theater playing out in Kerala is nothing but a hide-and-seek game, with both parties colluding to maintain power and suppress the truth.
-K A Solaman

Monday, January 20, 2025

White T-shirt movement.

#White T-Shirt movement.
Rahul Gandhi’s white T-shirt movement appears to be a well-ironed contradiction. It’s truly inspiring that someone sporting a ₹41,000 Burberry tee is championing the cause of the downtrodden, all while claiming that economic inequality is the nation’s foremost issue. 

After all, nothing screams “equality” louder than a luxury brand T-shirt that costs more than the average worker's monthly salary. It’s reassuring to know that Rahul, with his impeccable taste and even more impeccable connections, is here to save the common man from the clutches of inequality – one designer garment at a time.

Ironically, while aligning himself with billionaire George Soros, a man known for funding global disruptions, Rahul's message of non-violence and unity might appear funny.  If economic disparity is indeed the villain, one must wonder why his movement’s mascot is a T-shirt few can afford, and why his allies are some of the wealthiest global players. 

Perhaps the true message here is that inequality should be fought from the top – wearing designer labels, no less – leaving the rest of us to march along in our humble clothes .
-K A Solaman

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Fake achievements

#Fake #achievements.
In today's world, the increasing instances of people falsely claiming honorary doctorates or purchasing fake degrees are deeply alarming. Such actions not only tarnish the value of genuine academic achievements but also mislead the public about the rigorous journey true scholars undertake. 

A doctorate is a symbol of extensive research, intellectual dedication, and significant contribution to a particular field of knowledge. When individuals casually flaunt fake degrees, it diminishes the respect for those who have worked tirelessly for their legitimate qualifications.

This deceit undermines the academic community and casts doubt on the integrity of educational accomplishments as a whole.

What is even more disturbing is the blind enthusiasm with which such fraudulent claims are celebrated, especially on social media platforms. Friends and acquaintances, often without a moment of critical thinking, flood the fake degree holder with congratulations and praise, failing to realize the absurdity of the situation. By endorsing these false claims, they indirectly devalue real academic success and contribute to a culture where merit is sidelined by pretense. 

This unthinking acceptance of fraud reflects a worrying lack of discernment in society, and it highlights the urgent need for education systems to foster critical thinking and the ability to distinguish between real and fake achievements
-K A Solaman.

Counterfeit Ph D

#Counterfeit #PhD
The Socrates Social Research University (SSRU) issuing honorary doctorate, is not recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India or the Indian government. 

It primarily offers honorary doctorate awards, which are non-academic honors typically granted without the usual academic requirements. Such honorary degrees are not equivalent to earned academic degrees and do not carry the same recognition or value as degrees from accredited institutions.

Investigations have raised concerns about the legitimacy of SSRU. An exposé by 'Sprouts' revealed that the institution has been involved in selling counterfeit PhDs under the guise of academic honors, capitalizing on individuals seeking academic recognition. 

Given these factors, it's advisable to exercise caution and thoroughly research any institution before engaging with it, especially when it involves academic credentials or awards.
-K A Solaman

Friday, January 17, 2025

Practice for political gain

#Practice for political gain
The practice of re-employing retired staff in government positions in Kerala, often for political favoritism, is deeply problematic and perpetuates a system of corruption that undermines meritocracy and the democratic values of fairness and justice.

This trend primarily benefits those aligned with the ruling party, particularly the CPM, while denying young, educated, and deserving candidates opportunities for employment. It reflects a gross misuse of public resources, as reappointments are often made without proper regard for qualifications, and in most cases, without any transparent selection process. 

Such actions not only deprive the next generation of their rightful chances but also hinder the inflow of new talent and ideas into the government sector, creating a stagnant and outdated system that fails to meet modern challenges.

This practice urgently demands scrutiny and intervention from higher judicial bodies, such as the Honorable Supreme Court, which should take suo moto cognizance of the issue. Allowing retired personnel to continue in service simply to advance political agendas violates the basic principles of equal opportunity enshrined in our Constitution. 

The government should prioritize the employment needs of the youth, especially in an era where unemployment rates are alarmingly high. Continued re-employment of retirees effectively marginalizes capable young individuals, pushing them toward disenchantment with the system. 

This corruption must be curbed immediately, and reforms should be introduced to ensure that no government, present or future, can exploit this practice for political gain at the expense of the nation's youth.
-K A Solaman

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Digraceful conduct

#Disgraceful #conduct
Boby Chemmanur’s derogatory language towards Honey Rose is not just an insult to her but reflects a deeper, troubling attitude towards women in general. 

Chemmanur's ugly words showcase a blatant disregard for the dignity and respect every individual, especially women, deserves in society. Such behavior is inexcusable and perpetuates a culture where women are objectified and demeaned. 

It is appalling that a public figure like Chemmanur, who should set an example, stoops to such disgraceful conduct. This incident should serve as a wake-up call for society to hold people accountable for their words and actions, ensuring that no one, regardless of their status, can undermine the value of women.
-K A Solaman

Monday, January 13, 2025

Indian Stock Market

#Indian stick market
The current state of the Indian stock market has become a dangerous playground for unchecked manipulation, leaving average investors vulnerable to enormous losses. SEBI, the regulatory body, has seemingly failed in its duty to protect retail investors, allowing rampant speculation, insider trading, and market rigging to go unaddressed. 

The government, which once intervened to ensure fairness and transparency, has distanced itself from the turmoil, leaving the market to operate as a deceptive casino where the rich and powerful profit at the expense of ordinary citizens. Hard-earned savings are being eroded, and with no meaningful regulation or oversight, the entire system has lost its integrity, turning investment into little more than reckless gambling.
-K A Solaman

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Khan was right

#Khan was right
The revised draft rules by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for appointing and promoting vice-chancellors across India clearly affirm the validity of the actions taken by former Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan. His stance, which upheld the authority of the Chancellor in nominating the chairman of the search committee for vice-chancellors, was not only legally sound but also aligned with national guidelines.

 In this context, the opposition from Kerala's Higher Education Minister, who took a confrontational position, appears baseless and insubordinate. The Minister's stand was a disservice to the academic community by challenging a rightful procedure designed to ensure transparent and merit-based appointments. Khan's actions were a necessary safeguard against any potential political interference, reaffirming the autonomy of higher education institutions.

- K A Solaman

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Selective Activism

#Selective #activism
The Chief Minister’s endorsement of Swami Sathchidananda’s suggestion to allow men to wear shirts in temples under the guise of reformist thought is a misplaced attempt at religious interference. 

While Sree Narayana Guru's message of equality and reform is indeed powerful, selectively targeting Hindu customs while ignoring equally contentious practices in other religions reveals a bias. Reform should stem from within communities, not be imposed by political figures trying to showcase progressive credentials. 

Hindus have the right to maintain their customs and traditions, just as Muslims and Christians continue to uphold theirs without outside interference. By selectively supporting reforms within Hindu practices, the Chief Minister is walking a fine line between cultural sensitivity and unnecessary disruption.

Furthermore, the Chief Minister's backing of these changes should be scrutinized for its inconsistency. If reformists truly aim to modernize religious customs, why not address practices in all religions, such as circumcision in Islam or certain baptism rituals in Christianity, which are equally open to critique? Singling out Hindu practices, while sidestepping similar discussions within other communities, displays a form of selective activism.

Hindus should not be coerced into altering their practices, especially when traditions are meaningful to devotees and are practiced voluntarily. Real reform must encourage a broader discussion across all religious communities, or it risks appearing politically motivated rather than genuinely progressive.
-K A Solaman

Friday, January 3, 2025

Dubious deal.

#Dubious deal
The deliberate investment of ₹60 crore by the Kerala Government's Kerala Financial Corporation (KFC) in Anil Ambani's financially ailing companies in 2019, despite widespread awareness of their severe crises from 2015 to 2018, is a blatant misuse of public funds. 

Former Finance Minister Thomas Isaac's role in facilitating this dubious deal, which ultimately led to a loss of ₹101 crore, raises serious questions about the integrity of the transaction. It appears to be a premeditated attempt to siphon off a massive commission in collusion with senior officials, rather than a mistake in investment judgment. 

Such corrupt practices must be thoroughly investigated, and those responsible for looting the government exchequer must be held accountable without delay. Public trust cannot be betrayed in this manner, and justice demands swift action against this fraudulent conspiracy.
-K A Solaman

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fraudulent Dance

#Fraudulent dance

The incident at Kaloor Stadium, which resulted in MLA Uma Thomas' accident, highlights the gross negligence and financial exploitation orchestrated by the event organizers, including those at Mridanga Vision. It is appalling that under the guise of a cultural program, the organizers not only put the lives of participants at risk but also financially exploited parents and sponsors. 

The Kochi Corporation, responsible for overseeing such public events, must be held accountable for allowing such a poorly managed program to take place, endangering public safety. Immediate and stringent legal action must be taken against the organizers to ensure such fraudulent and hazardous activities are not repeated. 

The failure to enforce basic safety and ethical standards must not be tolerated, and reforms are necessary to prevent future disasters.
-K A Solaman

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