A letter from Doha
I am Haridas, from Qatar. Are you remembering me Sir. It has now become very long, since I contact you. Even though, I would very much like to share my agreements & appreciations, on your various articles, from time to time, on several occasions in the past; but I could not do so, owing to my own slackness, out of the stressful Office work. As I mentioned earlier, there is a vibrant blend of everything, coupled with very perceptive news analysis in your article. It is very comprehensive and all the more, almost magnetic. Your unbiased opinion and inference on almost all the matters were found later true. I was keep checking your Blog in every day to see if you had posted something new. Seems, for the last few days, I could not seen any update articles from you, sir. If possible, and if time permits, please post atleast one article, on daily basis, in your Blog, so that, readers like me will not be disappointed.
Warm regards, as always,
Doha, Qatar
Your letter is inspiring. Thank you very much.
-K A Solaman
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