The reason for the pathetic state of the roads is not just the monsoon rains but the heavy traffic. The private road repair contractors contribute much to the yearly deterioration of the roads. These contractors tend to leave major repairs to just before the monsoon. Consequently, the roads wash away during the monsoon because they haven't had time to set properly. This means that the companies will be able to gain new, lucrative contracts for the following year. So a minimum guarantee for five years should be stipulated from private agencies.
Outdated techniques are being used in road works in Kerala. The work force of Kerala NH section is less skilled and their machinery is out dated. Only 10-30 percent of the fund are utilised for actual road work and rest is in to pocket of authorities.
Road side encroachment by vendors necessitates frequent breaking of vehicles and should be checked as it brings added damage to the roads.
K A Solaman
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