As a part of a UN study on men a
British medical journal published a survey result that in Asia Pacific region over 1 in 10 men had raped a woman who was not
their partner. The finding is ridiculous as it is intended to lower the standing of people of the area. If this non-sense study is
extended to European countries the figure will be more astounding. There in
those countries women are raped at gun point
and if this survey was made in
Britain the result would be that 100 percent men would have raped at least one woman
and 100 percent women would had been raped at least once in life. In Asian countries the availability of gun is not that much high
In India the population is
about 125 crores. If one accepts the published survey ratio of 1:10 for India,
it means that more than 6 crore men are rapists in India alone. This unbelievable rubbish has been occurred in
the minds of some European fools especially the British as the survey result
has been published by a London study team. Idiotic people could say anything, anywhere, nevertheless it is short of people’s acceptance.
K A Solaman
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