How polite are our police when they make
inquiry about petitions filed before them! The SP of Crime Branch Uma Behera probing complaint filed by Yamini
Thankachi went straight away to latter’s house and sought information. And whether
she has received any hospitality of Thankachy is unknown to the public as lens
men were not that much clever in recording it.
Ostensibly this will not be the experience of lay woman before Crime
Branch or any police station in the state where she has to wait until the
officer is free to question. Meanwhile
she has to undergo all the harassment from in and around.The present inquiry is a solid example of the
law taking ‘its own course’.
The National Women’s Commission is also inquiring the case. And it is curoius to know whether the Commission Chair
Person also wait for the hospitality of former minister’s estranged wife.
K A Solaman
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