The entertainment tax exemption for Malayalam film 'Spirit'
is illegitimate. The foremost reason for this illicit act is: the
Forest Minister Ganesh Kumar acts in the film as a channel executive. The
Minister who exempted tax for this film is Social Welfare Minister Muneer , who
is also the chief executive of a channel. Muneer needs to project that all channel
heads are uncorrupt persons like the one enacted by Ganesh Kumar in the film. The
director of the film Ranjith is not only a crafty script writer but a lobbyist
too. Has one any doubt about this ask P C Vishnunadh MLA who moved vociferously for the
tax exemption.
The film does not create any awareness on any social issue
but only teaches people how to drink variety liquor with and without water. The use of European closet for new drunkards
also has been illustrated in the film. It
is intended to convey the idea to the
outside world that all Keralites are drunkards and their way of life is awfully
deplorable. The happy get-together similar to that of the male protagonist in the film with his
ex-wife and her good husband is seen only in America and in Kerala!.
The male chauvinistic dialogue of lead character to his ex-wife that “ if drunk
I would have raped you” is highly obnoxious
and is a direct insult to womanhood. The director owes a public apology for this loathsome
Director Ranjith knows the “Gandhi” film does not make any
one Gandhi. Like-wise an addict would never become a de-addict by seeing his
film. Shivering of body of an addict stops when he gets his daily intake,
however in this film the addicted hero stops shivering when hr cuts the intake.
The director has craftily insulted the caring
policy of the government by sub-titling “liquor consumption is injurious to
health” all through the length of the film. The veteran film actor Madhu also has
been insulted in the film with his hateful role as a voluptuous old goose.
The UDF government has no tangible steps to contain
wide-spread liquor consumption. They have only cosmetics treatments like granting
tax exemption for a repulsive movie of the sort like “Spirit” while they permit abkaris
to open more and more liquor shops. Minister
Muneer and other UDF leaders congratulating the film crew of “Spirit” shows
that they are humble human beings incapable of accepting the craftiness of
shrewd abkaris and their sponsors like the crew of the film.
The Opposition LDF is also likely to say “Sprit” is a value
oriented film because abkaris are dearer to them also. No doubt the drinking
habits of people of Kerala would change and they search for variety brands if this film
is viewed critically.
K A Solaman
Published Deccan Chronicle on 6 July 2012
Published Deccan Chronicle on 6 July 2012
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