An elderly woman, may be of her dotage ailment, was seen frightened and cried because of an expected dynamite explosion from a nearby temple. The temple devotees were performing firework display at that time. Along with low decibel firecrackers it has become a habit to explode high decibel dynamites frightening people of all ages. The use of crackers has been banned by several judicial forums but still its use continues unabated. This is really a cruelty to aged people, animals and birds . Dynamite explosion also causes damages to many buildings.
It is not only in temples but in churches and political party displays dynamites are frequently used. As there is no way to test the loudness of dynamite explosion no one complains to the authority with a valid proof. Despite court verdict the police often ignore violation of the law as complainants are rare in such cases. So what should be immediately done is: cancel licence of all dynamite makers and alert the police to check the law violation,
-K A Solaman
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