The suburb of Poonjar is full of billy goats and being a native of that place the redundant chief whip of UDF Government is conversant with these animals. That is why on seeing Sivankutty MLA with half folded dhothi on table top in Kerala Assembly, he remembered the animal and commented as under:
"Governor is acting like a fox who drinks blood when two billy goats are involved in a fight”.
Creating controversy is the habit of George and thinks he is above all Indian constitutional offices. He spares none- the police chief, the Judge or the Governor. The state does not need a Governor according to him. He slammed Governor P. Sathasivam for demanding action against the MLAs who created scenes of unparalleled brawl in the Assembly on the budget day.
The comment of George is quite unwarranted and there should be action to expel this guy from his present posts.
K A Solaman
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