The news about former Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam being listed to be the Kerala governor has evoked mixed responses from various corners. I value the one that is expressed by KPCC Predident V M Sudheeran in this respect. The person who occupied a supreme post should not be demoted to a lower post. Of late the governor’s post is tool for ruling parties to humiliate leaders who were once in other parties before becoming governor.
It is the responsibility of Government to ensure the highest standards of judicial independence and to defend against even the faintest trace of governmental influence on the judiciary. As judicial independence of Judges remains entirely on maintaining an incorruptible detachment from the government of the day it cannot be allowed t for lobbying for comfortable post-retirement postings. Sathasivam’s posting will create “post retirement job ” syndrome among judges and it could place judges potentially open to governmental influence leaving scope for biased pre-retirement judgments.
The judges can be considered for governor post if this post has privileges akin to that of the President of India.
K A Solaman
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