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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Are they talking less, working more?

That was in June 2012 the Kerala government asked its employees to restrict personal calls during working hours and for that the government had been congratulated from various corners.  State government has issued this order when its employees were mostly seen glued to their cell phones. Office computers were used for listening to music, for playing games and occasionally for searching pornographic sites. This spoiled the public’s impression of the government and hence the government imposed a ban on personal calls at work for its employees.

However, if one wishes to check  the situation in public offices he would be bewildered to see that no change has been taken place . On the other hand the employees are now equipped with smart phones, the application of which is far from that in 2012. The employees are busier with their cell phones at working hours.

 It is the practice of the government to issue well-meaning directives to their employees. But most of these instructions are ignored. Only a very few employees would take the order of this sort  seriously and end their private conversations during office hours.

It is true that the extensive use of cell phones at work creates a major distraction for the employees and causes utmost inconvenience to people visiting government offices to avail themselves of some service. But no order from the authorities would be able to solve this unless a follow up action is undertaken by the government. The staff will not voluntarily switch off their gadgets while on duty unless a random surprise check is made in offices. Other wise, directives of the above sort would turn out as meaningless gestures.

K.A. Solaman

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