Illiteracy among poor kids, even after 4 years
of Education in some Indian states is an alarming factor, according to a Unesco Report. The case is not different in
Kerala. The report says pace in achieving universal primary education, lower
secondary education and youth literacy is woefully low in the country,
especially for the disadvantaged. Poverty and poor living conditions are not
alone the factors for illiteracy. There are more reasons.
We have illiterate politicians and leaders, so
who is going to lay emphasis on literacy when our leaders are themselves
illiterate is a big question. If there
is no minimum qualification criteria for those contesting elections there will
be no improvement in the level of literacy in the country. Another reason for
learning predicament is the teacher governance. The report says that there is
absenteeism of teachers who are bound to teach students. So no teacher should
be permitted to work in politics as teachers’ absence from school adversely affect
the teaching-learning process. Not only that, many teaching staff members are
not up to the mark. Many fail in the teacher eligibility tests. If kids do not become literate in a specified time
the teachers in charge of them should be held responsible. Separate norms should
be fixed for it.
politicians are more responsible for the illiteracy of children as they do not
wish children to get educated. If children are educated, politicians will lose their vote banks. Tenth or twelfth passing with no serious board
examination is also a reason for illiteracy. No one learns
properly and no one teaches properly. The reason for illiteracy among kids is
thus evident.
K A Solaman
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