The lok pal bill was finally passed after more than four decades. It has paved the way for the establishment of an ombudsman to fight corruption in public offices and ensure accountability on the part of public officials. Even the prime minister falls within its ambit, although he enjoys some safeguards. Anna Hazare said that the bill meets most of his demands, and he thanked both the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party. But his estranged colleague felt that the bill has been compromised, rendering it toothless.
Arvind Kejriwal must understand that something is better than nothing. Hazare had put pressure on the government to pass the bill through non-violent means, and it was due to the social activist’s efforts that the lok pal bill has become a reality. It is an important step in the fight against corruption. After eight failed attempts to pass the lok pal bill, Parliament finally gave its seal of approval to a powerful ombudsman. The bill has been drafted and redrafted by two parliamentary committees and now enjoys strong bi-partisan support.
The lok pal will be empowered to investigate complaints of graft against the mightiest of political figures and will be able to supervise the Central Bureau of Investigation at every stage of a probe. According to the bill, the lok pal will consist of a chairperson and a maximum of eight members, half of whom shall be judicial members and the rest from amongst the minorities and underprivileged sections of society. The common people have to fight corruption at every stage. Some more provisions in the bill would have made it more effective.
K.A. Solaman, Kerala
The Telegraph, Calcutta published on 24-12-2013
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