The ugly spat going over Janasree and Kudumbasree can be
rightly put as Hassan-Isaac war. Janasree Chairman M M Hassan alleges that former
minister T M Thomas Isaac is spreading false news against Janasree Mission to
tarnish his image. He also alleges that Kudumbasree schemes organised by Isaac
and coterie are nothing but farce. All the Isaac’s projects in Mararikulam are
not at all functioning now according to Hassan and that is a truth. The PDS
instituted by the blessing of Isaac under the chairmanship S N College
professor T Pradeep is on the verge of collapse as the local co-operative bank
has sent notice for payment of dues in tune with Rs 5 lakh.
On the other hand Thomas Isaac argues that Kudumbasree mission
is the only sustainable project and Janasree is formed to slay Kudumbasree.
Whatever it maybe, people believe that Kudumbasree is the
project intended to help comrades and Janasree to assist Congress men. More specifically
Kudumbasree is to attract women for Marxist party procession in red ‘set sari’
and Janasree to align women in green set sari. In both missions poltiticians divert plan fund
for their personal gains and that is what one see in the inept implementation
of projects undertaken by both Janasree and Kudumbasree. Growth of Janasree is
obviously due to misappropriation funds in Kudumbasree and acute politicisation
of its projects.
K A Solaman
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