Though temple worshippers hereinafter will not have any contribution to Karunya benevolence fund as the court has banned selling lottery tickets within the walls of the temples, the fund was of great help to the poor patients admitted in several hospitals across the State. Nevertheless, this much appraised health scheme has now became more like a drop out, hospitals which came under the scheme are now facing a large financial crisis. The Government failed to give the amount to hospitals and the due money range from Rs10 Lakhs to two Crores.The scheme is now temporarily stopped.
As an alternative it is learnt that the management of this fund has been transferred to Tata Consultancy Service by the government. Though there is no doubt about the efficacy of TCS it is highly objectionable to transfer a huge chunk of public begged money as the service charge of Tata company. The need of too many staff under lottery department also comes index question then.
-K A Solaman