said India is a poor man’s country? When most of the layman in India lives with
a dhoti worth Rs 100 the Indian PM Narendra Modi's suit while on 'chai pe
charcha' with US President Barack Obama.comes with very expensive price tag.
Reports say the suit may have price about Rs 10 lakh or more. According to the report, the fabric to
make the suit reportedly is of Savile Row made by Holland & Sherry, who
make the finest cloth in the world. The seven metres of fabric alone has been
estimated to be about Rs 2,50,000. The intricate golden colour embroidery could
have costed around 10,000 pounds, i.e. Rs 9,30,000!
in India is now aware that it is the habit of Narendra Modi to exhibit his
fashion sense every time he steps out in public. But the suit wearing his own
name sewn repeatedly on his bandhgala suit is a mark of extravagance.
no fine print in the manuals how government heads of India should dress on
formal occasions. Nevertheless Narendra Modi has crossed all limits with his
extravagance. Simplicity with swadeshi dress is the accepted life style of Indians.
The PM who speaks volumes in this tune has shattered all such concepts. It is
unlikely to get anything from Modi for the poor lakhs in India.
A Solaman